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Some common problems plague many swimmers and have resulted in numerous complaints to pool recreational and commercial pool owners alike.

Sore eyes and irritated skin are a common complaint from swimmers. While chlorine is generally assumed to be the culprit, according to various studies,

the cause of these irritations is correlated closely to the combined chlorine levels in addition to the pH of the water. 


Combined chlorine is the product resulting from free chlorine reacting and sanitizing the pool. Free chlorine is what is needed to ensure effective bacterial disinfection and also helps to control the amount of combined chlorine in tha water. By maintaining a free chlorine level above 1 ppm and proper superchlorination (shocking), eye and skin irritations can be avoided.


pH is also an important factor influencing both the effectiveness of sanitization and user comfort. The pH of skin and the human eye ranges between 7.2-7.6 and it is within this range that the water pH should be maintained in order to provide optimal swimming conditions.

Another water balance related issue is the "green" pool. If the chlorine level is neglected or improperly maintained,algae growth can result. Algae is capable of adapting to constant chlorine levels which is why superchlorination (shocking) is a necessary part of pool maintenance.


However, many pool operators dread carrying the jug of chlorine around the pool in order to properly disperse the chemical. If it is added in one spot it can lead to discolouration and potential failure of the liner.

To find out more about how these issues can be solved using check out our


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